Friday, March 8, 2013

New bass fishing regulations in effect | The Bellevue Gazette

COLUMBUS, Ohio ? New statewide and spe?cific site bass fish?ing reg?u?la?tions are now in effect for the 2013?2014 license year, accord?ing to the Ohio Depart?ment of Nat?ural Resources (ODNR).

Statewide, a new 12-inch min?i?mum length limit has been imple?mented by the ODNR Divi?sion of Wildlife on all pub?lic waters for large?mouth, small?mouth and spot?ted bass where there are no other spe?cial reg?u?la?tions. The daily limit of five fish per day remains in effect for black bass, singly or in combination.

Some reser?voirs that pre?vi?ously had spe?cial reg?u?la?tions were changed to the new statewide 12-inch length limit. The 12?15?inch slot length limit was removed from Tim?bre Ridge Lake, and 15-inch min?i?mum length lim?its were removed from:

?Cae?sar Creek Lake (War?ren, Clin?ton and Greene coun?ties), Ken?ton Lake (Gal?lia County), Lake Mil?ton, includ?ing the Mahon?ing River con?nect?ing Berlin Lake and Lake Mil?ton (Mahon?ing County), Lake Vesu?vius (Lawrence County), Mon?roe Lake (Mon?roe County), Mon?roeville Reser?voir (Huron County), Pike Lake (Pike County) and Sippo Lake (Stark County).

Two new reg?u?la?tions have been incor?po?rated to increase the size and num?ber of bass. These spe?cial reg?u?la?tions include a reduced num?ber of large?mouth, small?mouth and spot?ted bass that anglers may keep per day and split daily lim?its, where anglers may only keep a spec?i?fied num?ber of fish of a cer?tain length.

The first reg?u?la?tion is a spe?cial 15-inch length limit with a four fish split daily limit. Anglers may keep two fish under 15?inches and two fish 15?inches or larger, for four fish per day. The split daily limit allows lim?ited har?vest of bass less than 15?inches to pro?mote growth of bass to larger sizes. This reg?u?la?tion is referred to as a ?15, 2-and-2.? It is in effect at these reservoirs:

?Acton Lake (Pre?ble and But?ler coun?ties), Find?ley Lake (Lorain County), Har?gus Lake (Pick?away County), High?land?town Lake (Columbiana County), Lake Snow?den (Athens County), New Lyme Lake (Ashtab?ula County), Paint Creek Lake (High?land and Ross coun?ties), Salt Fork Lake (Guernsey County), Sil?ver Creek Lake (Sum?mit County) and Upper San?dusky No. 2 (Wyan?dot County).

The sec?ond split daily limit is referred to as a ?Super Slot,? a 14?20-inch slot length limit intended to increase the chance of catch?ing tro?phy bass. Anglers may keep two fish under 14?inches and one fish 20?inches or larger, for three fish per day. How?ever, anglers are not allowed to keep any fish in the pro?tected slot. This reg?u?la?tion will be lim?ited to the fol?low?ing waters:

?All Amer?i?can Elec?tric Power (AEP) ponds and reser?voirs, includ?ing AEP ReCre?ation Lands, Conesville Coal Lands and Avon?dale Wildlife Area, with all ponds and reser?voirs included in each daily limit per angler (Coshoc?ton, Guernsey, Musk?ingum, Mor?gan, Noble and Perry coun?ties), Bel?mont Lake (Bel?mont County), Guil?ford Lake (Columbiana County), Killdeer Plains Reser?voir (Wyan?dot County), Kiser Lake (Cham?paign County), Long Lake (Sum?mit County), Oxbow Lake (Defi?ance County), Spencer Lake (Med?ina County), St. Joseph Wildlife Area ponds (Williams County), Tycoon Lake (Gal?lia County), Wing?foot Lake (Portage County) and Wolf Run Lake (Noble County).

These adjust?ments in reg?u?la?tions were devel?oped by the ODNR Divi?sion of Wildlife through an analy?sis of his?tor?i?cal fish sur?veys, creel sur?veys and angler-reported tour?na?ment results, an eval?u?a?tion of man?age?ment options and fish?eries objec?tives as well as exten?sive angler input through online sur?veys, creel sur?veys, open houses and meet?ings with sports?men and?women.

Ohio has other spe?cial reg?u?la?tions for black bass at a num?ber of waters around the state that remain in effect. These include tra?di?tional 14-inch, 15-inch and 18-inch min?i?mum length lim?its, and 12?15?inch slot length lim?its, all with five fish daily lim?its on Lake Erie and inland waters, and six fish daily lim?its on the Ohio River. Visit for more information.


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