Saturday, March 10, 2012

And The Winner Is?..Rolling Out The RedCarpet! Feature: Writer ...

Hello YA and Fam!

Happy Saturday! I am so excited today, because we have some FABULOUS guest today at Indiewriter?sreview! So let?s not waste any time and get started!


Indiewritersreview will be speaking with Actress/Writer Mikala Gibson! Ms. Gibson is the lead actress in the new Independent film WOLF (Viewer Discretion Advised/ (Indiewritersreview rating PG13:) Mature Teens?.

WOLF is being screened in the EMERGING VISIONS category this weekend March 11th,13th and 16th! at the SOUTH BY SOUTHWEST FILM FESTIVAL in Austin Texas!

MS. GIBSON was also responsible for the award winning anti-bullying video THE TRUTH ABOUT BULLYING!

So check out Indiewritersreview?s conversation with the fabulous Mikala Gibson under AUTHOR/ARTIST TAB!


Tween/teen writers (11-19yrs old) please stop by????????????????????? Tweenscribe( A place just for you! (Stories, videos, music and more:)Submit your own stuff: Send stories, poems, songs, videos to


Here at Indiewritersreview MIND TRACKS! This is how we see Indie authors and their readers!

Each week new updates by?Indie authors,who give their time and Mind tracks to Indiewritersreview; Each author gives? a snippet of how music added flavor; and at times inspired some of the cool books they write!

This week?s phenomenal Indie author spotlights:??????????????



(St. Martin Press, January?2013)



Author Bio:

Rob Tobin is an award-winning, produced screenwriter with his latest film shortlisted for a 2012 Best Picture Oscar, a published novelist, and former motion picture development executive. Rob was brought up and worked the gold mines in Timmins, Ontario, Canada, Shania Twain?s hometown. He now lives in beautiful Huntington Beach, California with his lovely wife Leslie and goofy brown dog.

Feel free to visit Rob at his website:?


Thanks to Indiewritersreview for letting me out of my restraints long enough to put fingertips to keys and address this wonderful readership, as part of my blog tour for my new urban fantasy novel ?Jo-Bri and the Two Worlds.? I?ll try to behave while I?m here, and if I don?t, please don?t tell my parole officer Roxanne.

In addition to two published novels, I have two published nonfiction books, both on screenwriting, based on my many years as a motion picture development executive. One of the things that screenwriting taught me that I use in all my writing, including my novels, is the importance of character, and in particularly the character flaw.

You see, most really interesting heroes, protagonists or main characters have a flaw that holds them back and is the powder that an event in the story will ignite. The story revolves around two things then: the need to accomplish something on a physical or ?objective? level, and the need for the hero to overcome his or her flaw on the person or ?subjective? level in order to be able to have a chance of emerging victorious on the objective level.

A simple example is ?Rocky,? the Oscar winning feature film. Rocky, whose flaw is terrible self-esteem caused by his father?s verbal abuse and the neighborhood/city he grew up in, is given the chance to fight for the championship. Physically, on the objective level, he has to train and fight well enough to have a chance to win, but until he overcomes his flaw on the personal or subjective level, he will not believe in himself sufficiently to have a chance on the objective level. So the story becomes about more than just the boxing match, it becomes about a character trying to grow into a strong enough person to be able to compete in that boxing match.

?Jo-Bri and the Two Worlds? is like that. It?s about ordinary, flawed people who have to grow up into strong, mature people in order to have a chance against the Dark Wizard Hodon. The title character, Jo-Bri, begins as a callow youth who only wants to have fun and make out with his girlfriend Kawille, and he does most of his growing in his sword and sorcery world, seeing his family, Kawille and his entire village destroyed by Hodon and forced to flee for his life, with the spirits of his people inside him. Months of flight and battle harden him and force him to grow up.

The story?s main character, Melinda, begins as a similarly shallow ?girlie girl? obsessed with fashion and boys, and then learns that her world, the entire human race, is in danger. And she is forced to grow into the role, so to speak.

Overshadowing the need for these two main characters to become better people, is the threat posed by the Dark Wizard. In order to have any chance against Hodon, both Jo-Bri and Melinda have to become bigger than they are, emotionally and spiritually. Thus you have a double-layered story, with both a subjective and objective layer, giving the story a feeling of depth that hopefully provides more satisfaction to the reader.

Rob Tobin is a produced screenwriter, published novelist (?Jo-Bri and the Two Worlds? and ?God Wars: Living with Angels?, available on and iBookshelf), author of two screenwriting books (?The Screenwriting Formula? and ?How to Write High Structure, High Concept Movies? available on, Barnes and Noble, Google, etc.), a former motion picture development executive and book editor, graduate of USC?s prestigious Master of Professional Writing program, husband, father, Canadian, and lives an extraordinarily happy life in Southern California. He is available for writing assignments at Visit his website at


Alright check out Mikala Gibson in Author/Artist section and Leigh Evans MindTrack! Happy reading fam:)

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